Dear Parents and Carers,
It was an immense pleasure to open the school to pupils and their families for Soane’s first ever Summer Fete on Thursday. Thank you for helping us celebrate such a successful year for our pupils – and for the school – as well as helping to raise thousands of pounds for Ealing Foodbank which supports so many in our community.
School returns as normal tomorrow. Please support us by ensuring your children are well-rested, have completed their homework and packed their bags so that they can return to a final purposeful push to the end of term. Lessons will run as normal all the way through to next Thursday (18th July).
Please note that that timings of the final days of term will be slightly different:
- Thursday 18th July – 2pm finish in preparation for trips
- Friday 19th July and Monday 22nd July – adjusted timings dependent on trip
- Tuesday 23rd July – 9.40-2pm at Wasps’ Sports Ground
- Wednesday 24th July – 12.45pm finish for End of Term
Please ensure that your child attends right through to Wednesday 24th July as every minute of lessons, trips and awards presentations counts towards your child’s experience of school and it is a legal requirement for all children to attend for the entirety of term. We are unable to authorise requests for holidays during term time.
I look forward to seeing the children return for 8.25 tomorrow.
Kind regards,
Mr Neuberger
This Week's Highlights
Summer Fete
Last Thursday we held our first ever Summer Fete. The day was a wonderful celebration of this academic year and our first three as a school. From face painting to penalty shootouts, saxophone performances to calligraphy classes, students and parents took part in a wide variety of games and activities to raise money for Ealing Foodbank. Thank you for your time and generosity on the day - in particular to Soane Parents' Association and the parent volunteers who ensured we were exceptionally well fed!

Year 8 Trip to Imperial College University
This week, several Year 8 pupils were chosen to visit Imperial College London and participate in a robotics workshop. Here’s what happened, from one of the students themselves:
It was fascinating to find out that many everyday items are run by computers, for example we saw that computers could even be used to detect the moisture levels of soil and water plants based on this. We also received an insight into a programming software and used it to make a programmable lantern using LED strips. We used the software to modify each of our lanterns by changing the code for colour, patterns and how often the lights flashed. The workshop facilitators even organised for us to receive a tour of the robotics laboratories where we observed various types of robots and 3D printers! For example, we saw a robot which could complete NASA space missions and would be competing with other robots in Poland! Overall, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day out and I feel as many of us have walked away feeling inspired to pursue a career in engineering or robotics. All year 8’s who attended would like to thank the facilitators at Imperial College who collaborated with Ark Soane Academy to make this trip very enjoyable and educational, and for gifting us with a 3D printed animal figure. We would all also like to thank Mr Morgan, Mr Atwal and Ms Slade who made this trip possible!
Kotaro Arazeki (8 Ramesses)

Soane Parents' Association (SPA)
SPA is in need of more people to run activities and take up committee positions - please get in touch if you could see yourself as a Co-Chair, Co-treasurer or Co-Secretary of the Association.
Music Lessons
We are delighted so many of our students have taken up the opportunity to learn a musical instrument this academic year. Many pupils have worked hard, improved hugely and should be very proud of their achievement.
We are now looking at timetabling for the autumn term. If your child does not wish to continue to have instrumental lessons you must email the music department at by Monday 15 July. If we have not heard from you we will continue to timetable lessons and there will be a charge for the autumn term.
If you would like your child to move from group lessons to one-to-one lesson or to change instruments please email with details. Any pupils who would like to start musical instrument lessons next academic year should speak with their music teacher.
Local Film Project
The Acton Gardens Community Project are writing to ask if your child would like to participate in a local film project over the summer. Please fill in this survey if you are interested.
End of year trips
At the end of the academic year, all Soane students complete two trips to celebrate successes, build teamwork, and provide rich opportunities outside of the classroom. These are on Fri 19th July and Mon 22nd July. Students will be attending the following venues:
A separate letter has been emailed outlining details of your child's trips, including costs. Payment for the trips is now due – please ensure this has been paid to ensure your child can attend.
To ensure all are well rested and ready to go, on Thur 18th Jul (the day before trips) school will finish at 2PM.
We hope your child is excited for what will be a wonderful way to bring the year to a close. Please ensure that, if you are going abroad this summer, you do not book travel during term time.
Ark Soane's Approach to Phones
We are increasingly aware that some of our pupils have smart phones with no parental controls installed. Please ensure that you do have controls in place to keep your child safe. Learn about setting phone controls, understanding popular apps and terminology, and our comprehensive support for digital well-being. Ark Soane's Approach to Phones Newsletter
Device monitoring
All Soane students are provided with a laptop upon entry to the school. This is to facilitate students completing their school work, and ensure that all students are able to access any online programmes or websites that we use for homework. There are protections on these devices to keep students safe: inappropriate content is blocked and devices are monitored for safeguarding concerns which are reported to the school.
Please be aware that not all non-educational content can be blocked on these devices (for example YouTube is accessible) and parents/carers should still monitor usage. Just because they are on their school laptop does not mean that they must be doing productive schoolwork! If you have concerns that sites are accessible which should be blocked then please flag this up to so that we can address with our providers.
After-school Clubs
After school club places have now been allocated - you will have received an email with the club(s) your child has secured a place for - this can also be seen on the MCAS app. They must attend each week. If your child cannot attend on a particular week, you must email to let us know. If your child no longer wishes to take up their place, you must email and we will remove them from the register. Pupils receiving reflections will not be permitted to take part that day and will be sent home after their reflection.
English language sessions for parents and carers
Our last English language session for this academic year has now passed.
We have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with our students' parents and carers and expanding the Soane community. This year we've enjoyed fiction extracts such as Harry Potter, discussed current news items such as the rise of AI and explored new cultures, food and traditions - with a cup of tea and biscuit in hand. We would love to continue these sessions next year and will send updates on this in due course.
Ealing Mental Health Workshops
The Ealing Mental Health Support Team are offering workshops for Parents/Carers over the Summer term of school:
31st July: Supporting Friendships in children – aimed at parents/carers of primary-aged children to provide information to help you support your young person with building and managing friendships, including supporting with social anxiety.
You can book these by scanning the QR code or visiting the following website.
After signing up, you will be emailed a Microsoft Teams link and receive an email reminder on the morning of the workshop. Any queries relating to the courses should be directed to the following email address:
As you may be aware from the news, attendance at school is the predominant focus of all professionals. We know that for your child(ren) to have the education and character to go on to live happy, fulfilled lives as the drivers of their own destinies they MUST be in school. It is widely evidenced that students who frequently miss days at school significantly underperform and achieve lower grades than those pupils who attend every day.
Additionally, a change in guidance from the government means that any students that are late to school after the registers have closed will impact their attendance percentage. This could be coded as unauthorised and could result in local authority action.
Please see reminders of actions you can take to support your child(ren)’s attendance and progress at school, we really appreciate your support and are dedicated in working together to achieve the best outcomes for your child(ren):
- Support with an evening/morning routine to ensure they are prepared and organised for school the next day – this is a message we narrate in school.
- If your child needs/has a medical appointment please try and arrange these outside of school hours (we appreciate this is challenging). If you are not able to do this, please inform school in advance of the appointment and provide evidence (appointment cards/letters/emails).
- If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival. We will contact you if they are too ill to continue.
- If your child is ill, please telephone the school before 8.25am each day of your child’s absence.
- Have a backup plan for if your child misses transport, call on a family member, neighbour or friend.
- If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help!
If you have any questions or concerns please email
All pupils have access to the Unifrog platform to support in researching future careers and recording their growing aspirations. We encourage you to explore the website together with your child to research careers and future study options of interest to them.
Careers speakers
We are always on the lookout for volunteers to give inspirational careers talks to our pupils. If you or someone you know would be interested in speaking to our pupils, please complete this form.
PE Bags
A reminder that pupils should bring their PE kit to school in a navy Ark Soane branded PE bag. They are available from our uniform supplier here.
Lost property
The lost property box in the reception area of the school is full of unclaimed items. Please ask your child to go to reception to check the box if necessary, and you are also welcome to pop into reception to check it yourself if you would like. Please may we also remind you to label your child's school uniform and belongings with their name.
Chewing gum
Please note that chewing gum is prohibited at Soane. Please reiterate this with your child as possession of chewing gum will result in behaviour sanctions.
We have been advised by the local police force to remind you about the process of reporting incidents to the police in the event of a crime.
Please can we request that if your child is the victim of a crime that a report is made to police at the earliest opportunity. Recently we have been made aware of a number of incidents by the school. It is essential that the school are made aware of an incident as it may have an impact on their ability to safeguard your child but if you delay reporting an incident to police it can have an impact on the investigation and lead to valuable evidence being lost.
You can report an incident to police in a number of ways:
- If it’s an emergency and the crime is still taking place, call 999 and ask for the police.
- If it’s not an emergency, do not call 999. This doesn’t mean the crime is not important to us it just helps the police to make the best use of their resources. In this instance please contact 101 or please report the incident online on the following link Report a crime | Metropolitan Police
- You can go to your local police station in Acton or Hayes to report the crime there.
- If you have information regarding a crime and don’t want to talk in person to the police you can contact Crimestoppers online or call
If you have information regarding a crime and don’t want to talk in person to the police you can contact Crimestoppers online or call 0800 555 111. You will remain 100% anonymous. Always.
If you would like any further information then please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Safer Schools Team who would be happy to help.
Accessing support in school
At Ark Soane there are lots of ways to access support in school – speaking to form tutors, class teacher or a member of the safeguarding team.
Pupils can also use SHARPs, an online form that is found on the school website that is sends a message to the safeguarding team – you can use this at home. It is only monitored in term time. This is an avenue for students to raise concerns or ask for support, if as parents you have concerns you should continue to contact the office or email
Other places to get support are; Mind, The MIX, Childline, NSPCC, Circle Café and Kooth
Soane PTA
If you would like to get involved then please email
Contact us
If you need face-to-face assistance then the school office is open during term-time from 8am-4pm. So that we can deal with email enquiries promptly please see the school email addresses below:
- General Enquiries –
- Attendance -
- Free School Meals -
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
Matt Neuberger | Principal | Ark Soane Academy