Ordering and payments
At Ark Soane, lunch time offers an opportunity to students to sit down together to chat with other students and adults and enjoy a tasty meal. Our dining room offers freshly cooked hot meals which meet the nutritional standards set by the government, and are enjoyable for our students, staff and visitors. We follow the National Government Food Standards ensuring, for example, that all children have at least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables every day.
Our dining room provides all students with a snack and drink at break and a hot meal every lunchtime – where students sit down together and serve each other. All meat served is halal and there is always a vegetarian option. Menus are shared on our website, and we will always provide alternative meals for students with allergies.
We operate a cashless system for dining. Parents will set up an iPay account and add money to the account via the website; £2.50 will be deducted each day – unless the child is absent from school or is entitled to Free School Meals.
In order to reinforce our strong community and enjoy a shared meal all students eat school lunches and do not bring outside food or drink into school except water in their Ark Soane branded water bottle.
Spring Menu 2025
Applying for free school meals
Eligibility for Free School Meals means that you will not have to pay for your child’s break time snack or lunch- saving you £12.50 per week.
Approximately 14% of families who are eligible for Free School Meals never claim them. Claiming for Free School Meals provides additional benefits including access to additional enrichment activities; heavily subsidised music lessons; free places on some school trips; and priority access to some universities.
We ask all parents who think they may be eligible for Free School Meals to complete an online form via Ealing Free School Meals Department here.
If your are unsure and require further assistance, please contact fsm@arksoane.org