Home School agreement
Pupils, parents, teachers all sign a Home School agreement. This is a joint promise that all of us will put in the time and effort required for our children to succeed. Parents are expected to support children by supervising home learning, ensuring that children attend school and wear the correct uniform.
Parent voice
Parents and carers are an integral part of our school community, and your feedback forms an essential part of our ongoing development and improvement. We regularly run surveys and sessions to gather your views on the education your child is receiving, and to understand where we can do better.
The school believes open communication with parents is crucial to students’ success. We will keep you up to date through a regular parent bulletin. Please let us know if you need separate copies sent to each parent/carer.
If you need to talk to a teacher at the academy, just contact the main school office. If you have any other questions or problems you are always welcome to telephone for an appointment with the Year Head or Form Tutor. Sometimes a phone conversation will settle your worries but, if not, please do make an appointment to meet with a member of staff as we are unable to accommodate ‘walk-in’ requests for meetings.
You can share your feedback via Ofsted's Parent View tool. This survey consists of 12 short questions around topics such as teaching and behaviour, and will feed into our ongoing development plan
Parent forums
We run regular forums where we invite parents to talk to the leadership of the school and to provide an update on the growth of the school.
Our forums aim to provide:
- a summary on how school is running at present
- information about what is coming up
- an opportunity for parents to ask any questions.
Please see the weekly bulletin for further details.