Our approach to student voice has three objectives:
- To give students a say in how the school is run
- To provide the opportunity for children to hold positions of responsibility
- To give students experience of applying for roles and being interviewed
There are three strands of leaders at Ark Soane: Year Councillor, Student Ambassadors and Lunchtime Legends.
Year Councillors
Year councillors act as a representative for their tutor group by gathering the views of their classmates and representing them to their Head of Year and Senior Leadership Team. They also support the work of their tutor in celebrating their classmates’ merits, sharing notices, celebrating attendance and celebrating gratitude.
Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors support the effective running of the school. Ambassadors can volunteer to be:
- Student Librarians – who ensure the library is a calm, quiet, purposeful space, support the loan and return of books and ensure the library is well organised
- Visitor Ambassadors – who show visitors around the school, bringing them into classrooms and answering their questions
- Friendly faces – who act as buddies to new arrivals to the Academy and show them around – and who check in with students at break time who may feel lonely or nervous
Lunchtime Legends
Lunchtime Legends are a role started by our founding cohort. This dedicated group of volunteers ensure that the dining room is turned around for the next users in record quick time by cleaning tables and packing away furniture.