Our 2022 staff survey:
Our 2022 staff survey found that:
95% of our staff are proud to work at Ark Soane Academy. 95% of staff at Ark Soane Academy agree that their line manager listens to and values their opinions.

Why work for Soane?
Ark Soane Academy seeks to redefine what is possible in education. Our model is “simplicity delivered expertly”.
At Soane, we have the highest expectations of all of our students, regardless of their prior attainment or educational history. As a result, behaviour at Soane is exemplary, enabling teachers to deliver an unashamedly academic curriculum. Staff at Soane are supported in embedding the highest expectations and routines in their classroom, enabling them to teach as the subject expert in the room in a calm, purposeful environment. Our centralised rewards and sanctions and highly-visible SLT ensure that standards are consistently exceptional in across the school.
Kindness and self-discipline are explicitly taught to students, meaning that all Soane students are exceptionally polite and well-mannered. Students always greet their teachers by saying ‘good morning’, always address them as ‘sir/miss’ when answering a question, and always give a ‘thank you’ as they leave a lesson.
Our rigorous, knowledge-rich curriculum ensures that all students make extraordinary progress. It is planned collaboratively, with departments working collectively to ensure that the expertise of all teachers is drawn upon. Lessons are predominantly taught with co-planned booklets, ensuring that resources are simple, and refined over time, avoiding hurried planning and PowerPoint preparation.
We are a community of professionals learning together who believe we can all become exemplary teachers: we have a truly open-door policy where we expect to give and receive feedback frequently and with kindness.
We promote a healthy work-life balance and we protect our teachers from extraneous demands on their time. We value the input of all of our staff and collaborate and consult to ensure the academy continues to improve as it expands.
If you are interested in a future role at Ark Soane please do come and see us in action. For more information please contact my Executive Assistant, Tabetha Stafford, at this email address: t.stafford@arksoane.org
Matt Neuberger
A diverse and inclusive school
We have committed to delivering a series of commitments as part of a longer-term diversity and inclusion strategy.