Dear Parents and Carers
It has been a huge pleasure to welcome pupils back this week. They have returned with renewed enthusiasm and energy and are ready to embrace the second half of the year. Thank you for your support.
Clothing: As the cold snap continues please do ensure that your child attends school in an unbranded navy or black jacket. It is important that pupils get fresh air during the day and they will be outside during break and lunchtime in all but the worst weather. Please note that hoods are not permitted to be up unless it is raining so do please ensure your child has a black or navy hat through the winter months to keep them warm.
Travel to and from school: There have been an increasing number of anti-social incidents involving pupils from Soane and other schools after the end of the school day. We are grateful for your support in reminding all students to go straight home after school and not linger in the local area.
Parent meetings: Y10 Parents' Evening will take place online on Thursday from 4-7pm. Academic Review Day for Y7-9 will take place online through the day on Friday. Please ensure that you follow joining instructions and ensure that the camera and microphone on your device are working. If you need technical assistance then please contact the school office. Please do ensure that you attend and that you join with your child if possible. School will be closed to all pupils on this Friday.
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend and I look forward to seeing pupils return tomorrow morning.
Kind regards,
Mr Neuberger
This Week's Highlights
It was the first week of the Spring term at Soane and the students came back full of enthusiasm and effort. The teachers have been really impressed with the level of focus in the classrooms, and the amount of extension work turned in over the Christmas holiday has been exemplary. Particular shoutouts go to Amaya (10 Augustus), who managed to cover the entirety of last half term's RP work, and Remas (7 Cleopatra), for completing a massive stack of Geography and English extension!

It was an exciting week for 9 Cicero in art, as they put the final stitches into the toys they had been making last term. The students have been working incredibly hard with their art teachers, and as such have achieved fantastic results!

The year 10 artists were also working hard over the break, creating miniature paintings of everyday reflective objects. Ms Back's biggest shout outs go to Malvina, Refal, Naya, Escarletty, and Ola.

Clubs this week
Due to Academic Review Day & Year 10 Parents’ Evening, only the following clubs will run this week:
Mon – School Production, GCSE Art
Tue – Y10 Rock Band, Chamber Choir, Jazz Band
Weds – Y9/10 Mathletes, Duke of Edinburgh (Group B)
All clubs will run from WC 20th Jan. We have extended the deadline to sign-up to clubs until Weds 15th Jan, 7PM. Please complete the form here with your child to sign-up - Please note that completion of the form does not guarantee a place.
Contact Us
If you need face-to-face assistance then the school office is open during term-time from 8am-4pm. So that we can deal with email enquiries promptly please see the school email addresses below:
- General Enquiries –
- Attendance -
- Free School Meals -