Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you for all your support to your children in the run up to these exams. I have been so impressed by the hard work that pupils have been doing in preparation and the confidence with which they are going into exams - explaining that they feel immaculately well prepared.
Exams will continue tomorrow and on Tuesday. Pupils in Y7-9 have French and science tomorrow followed by maths and music on Tuesday. Pupils in Y10 have geography and English tomorrow followed by maths on Tuesday. I wish them success in their remaining exams.
End of term: Following exams we will revert to normal lessons as there are still three weeks of term left and homework will be due as normal from Wednesday all the way through to the end of term. Festive celebrations will kick off with our Exhibition Evening on 12th December and include pizza parties, Christmas Lunch and our Exploration Day in our final week of term. School will have a staggered finish on Friday 20th December with pupils dismissed between 12.45 and 1pm.
Coats: As the weather is getting colder please ensure that your child comes to school with a navy or black non-branded coat. Please note that branded outerwear is not permitted to prevent unwanted pressure to buy expensive branded items. Hood must not be up unless it is raining to ensure that pupils are aware of their surroundings and are recognisable - please provide them with a navy or black hat instead for cold days.
I look forward to seeing pupils tomorrow,
Mr Neuberger
This week's highlights
It's exam week here at Soane, and the students have been working exceptionally hard to prepare. The amount of extension work and revision being turned in this week has been outstanding, and the tutors are all extremely proud of how hard their forms have been working.
Big revision shoutouts go to:
- Heba and Ahemed in 9 Alexander
- Alisa, Yusuf and Mia in 9 Pericles
- Subhan, Ibrahim, and Corey in 8 Alexander
- Joana, Aliza, and Jess in 8 Cleopatra
- Ontario in 9 Cleopatra
- And finally Shireen in 8 Ramesses, who has completed enough revision to 'start a pile herself'!
Well done to all the students for getting so stuck in and aiming high!
See below: 8 Ramesses's enormous 11cm pile of revision and the year 10 non-historians working with pinpoint focus.

Soane Parent's Association- Uniform and bake sale
Dear Parents and Carers,
We kindly ask for your support in donating uniforms for the upcoming 2nd Hand Uniform Sale. Please bring washed donations to the school reception from Monday to Friday before 4pm, by 6th December.
The 2nd Hand Uniform Sale will take place along with the bake sale during Exhibition Evening on 12th December.
We also need donations of cupcakes, lemon sponge cake, chocolate cake, cookies, brownies, any speciality cake from around the world, biscuits or any shop bought equivalent if you are too busy to bake. Please ensure all donations are nut-free. Please contact Riz at if you would like to participate and leave all donations with the reception team on the 11th or the 12th of December before 4pm. We know we have amazing kid, parent, and carer bakers in the school. We really count on you for this one! Let’s make our kids and the school proud! All the money goes towards making our school better for our kids.
And if anyone wants to be added to a year specific WhatsApp to email
Thank you for your generosity!
Exhibition Evening – Thursday 12th December
Our first Exhibition Evening of the year takes place on Thur 12th Dec, 17:00-18:30. This is a special moment in our school calendar where students present and perform their work from enrichment and their extra-curricular activities including music, dance, and drama.
If you would like to attend the event, you must book a free ticket via Ticket Tailor (click this link to book). We have over 100 students performing on the night; therefore we ask that you book no more than 3 tickets per family. We will be unable to accommodate guests without tickets due to fire safety restrictions. The ticket link will close on Weds 11th Dec. If your child is performing in the event, a consent form will be emailed to you to complete.
Performances will start at 17:20 sharp – we are unable to admit latecomers, so please arrive for 17:00 to avoid disappointment.
We hope that you will be able to join us for what will be a highlight of our academic year so far.
Exploration Day (KS3) & Futures Day (KS4) – Thursday 19th December
On Thurs 19th Dec we will have our first KS3 Exploration Day of the year. Students will be going to the following venues:
Group Name | Tutor Groups | Trip | Department |
7A | Augustus, Cicero, Ramesses | British Museum | History |
7B | Alexander, Cleopatra, Pericles | Science Museum | Maths |
8A | Augustus, Cicero, Ramesses | Natural History Museum | Science |
8B | Alexander, Cleopatra, Pericles | Tate Modern | Art |
9A | Augustus, Cicero, Ramesses | St Paul's | RP |
9B | Alexander, Cleopatra, Pericles | National Army Museum | History |
St. Paul's is a paid trip; the cost is £6 per student (no charge for students in receipt of pupil premium). The deadline for payment is Mon 9th December; if your child is in 9 Augustus, 9 Cicero, or 9 Ramesses, please ensure this is paid by this date on iPay.
Year 10 students will be based on-site on this day. They will be taking part in Futures Day – the purpose of this day is to think more deeply about students’ next steps and increasing independence as they become young adults. On the day they will learn:
- The basics of emergency first aid
- How to write a CV and seek additional opportunities for study & employment
- The importance of health & fitness and how to maintain this through challenges
Students will be using Unifrog on this day; please check with your child they can log in to their account. They can reset this using their school email address at
We know that secondary school students are more likely to achieve academic success if they are aiming towards an aspirational destination (career, apprenticeship, or university) when they leave school. To support them to research destinations, record experiences and prepare applications all students are provided with access to the Unifrog platform ( from Y7 to Y13.
If your child is in Year 8, 9, or 10, remind them to regularly log on to Unifrog to continue researching career and future study areas of interest to them. Year 7 will be learning how to use the platform in the near future; they are welcome to log-in now to begin exploring. An introductory video for using the site can be found here. Students can reset their passwords using their school email address at
We encourage you to explore the site together to learn and discuss your child's ambitions for their future study and careers.
Clubs during exams
Please note that all clubs will run as normal during exams week. If we need to cancel a club e.g. due to staff absence, a text will be sent on that day.